The building's main featuresare its volumetry, which movesin the space in four directions,and its central void thatforms an urban window. Itscontour allows for the creationof verandas and terraceson every floor.
Generatingfloating independent volumesseparated by the central void,this remarkable evolving shapeoffers dramatic views in everydirection from every floor of thebuilding. The façade combining opaqueand transparent elementsand the central urban windowcontribute to achieve an effectof lightness, while the verandasand balconies extending alongthe sides of the structureproduce a tridimensionalhorizontal appearance.
The proposed schemed hasrationalized the floor plansto guarantee greater layoutflexibility, thus permittingvariations in the apartment'ssize and typology (from duplexapartments to two - bedroom orthree - bedroom apartment, andtwo or three apartments perfloor).
The development providesamenities, including a healthand fitness club, lounge spaces,and underground parkingfacilities on the north side of theplot. The complex volumetry of thebuilding and its glazed façadereflecting the sea and the skywill enhance Limassol's skyline.
The project's intention is to allow unobstructed views to the sea above the existing trees, to reduce the impact of the construction on the site by minimizing its footprint, and to provide a generous lush garden with a private pool.